To say our little girl is spoiled, is an understatement. Between her dad and I, Grandmama, Mimi & Gramps and all her Aunts, she made out like a bandit!
She got her first American Girl Doll, a Bitty Baby, from her Grandmama. Age appropriate toys from her Mimi & Gramps, books, a ladybug backpack from Santa(how appropriate!)to name a few!
Getting into her stocking:
With her booty from Santa:
Passed out from all the excitement:
With Mom & Gigi at the Aquarium:
With Grandmama:
With Mimi & Gramps:
With Santa at her daycare:
With Santa at Lenox:
With Mom & Dad:
At 2 Months:
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Charley's 1st Christmas!
Posted by The Zombson's at 10:12 AM 2 comments
Sweet Baboo, Updates!
I've really slacked on the blog. My child, up until late last week has been incredibly needy, I've spent my days with her in my arms, never getting out of my pj's, just taking care of her needs. I cannot complain, I've loved every minute of it.
She was diagnosed with Reflux on 12/4. Long story short, she was put on Zantac. It helped some, but not enough! She had her 2 month appointment on 12/23 and she spit up and fussed in front of her doctor (miracle!) and the doctor realized that there was something wrong, so she prescribed her Prevacid. She's been on Prevacid since 12/24 and she is a totally different baby! We've actually gotten a few smiles!! They are few and far between, but we got them! She gave her cousin Lily a really big smile the other day! She fusses legitimately now, only when she's tired or hungry!
Her 2 Month Checkup:
23 inches, 11 lbs, 14.5 oz! She is in the 75th percentile for length, weight and head measurement. As her Dr. said, she is "perfectly proportioned". She is a chunk considering the reflux, she sure doesn't have a problem eating!! She gets chunkier everyday!
She got her 2nd round of immunizations. She didn't feel good for a couple days afterward.
We are hoping she is going to keep the blue eyes, BUT, we noticed in the last day or so, her left eye has a "drip" of color and it is brown! It remains to be seen, she could have my brown eyes or her Grandfather's green eyes or she could be faking us and still have blue eyes. Whether or not she will have red hair remains to be seen! It looks awfully red/auburn in the sunlight, so we are still hoping for red hair! Either way, she is the cutest baby on the planet! lol
I start back to work on Monday. I love my job, but I am really sad about leaving her. She has become an appendage! I am really going to miss her. We lucked out and found a daycare that is fantastic. We couldn't be more excited about it! It will be like leaving her with her Grandmama, so that makes it a whole lot easier.
Once I am back to work, I will be able to update the blog more regularly on my lunch hour!!! I will be posting some pictures shortly!!
Happy New Year!!!
Posted by The Zombson's at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Stolen From Carrie! End of Year Survey
My 2008 Summed Up!!
1. What did you do in 2008 that you had never done before?
Gave birth to a beautiful baby girl!!
2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I was keeping one pretty good until I got knocked up! Yes, I will make more for this year. I've started my list....
My new resolutions:
I'll keep mine a secret as well, maybe it will work!
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Just me! I'm working on a couple of people so that our kids will be best pals! ;)
4. Did anyone close to you die?
No. 2008 was a great year for life & love!
5. What countries did you visit?
Just the good ol' USA! (Our 1 year Anniversary trip to the Bahamas was hampered by Gobbles!)
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
I haven't lacked anything, life is good!
7. What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
March 1st- Big fat positive!; September 20th-the amazing shower thrown by my sisters and Carrie; October 20th-The birth of Baby Charlotte!; October 20th-Matt gave me a charm bracelet thanking me for having his baby, so precious!; November 3rd-the nuptials of TomKat, we couldn't be there except in spirit, but I am so happy for them and it is time that she has some happiness in her life! December 9th-the engagement of my oldest BFF Kelly.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Having a baby!
9. What was your biggest failure?
No failures!
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Not really. I had PIH (Pregnancy Induced Hypertension), which limited my exercising, which caused me to blow up like a beached whale, get the picture! lol
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Our Nursery Furniture!
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
All of my friends and family!
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Just two, both shall remain un-named, one has redeemed herself!
14. Where did most of your money go?
Into our baby - new paint and new bedroom furniture, clothes, shoes, toys, anything and everything our Sweet Baboo could want!
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
The arrival of Charlotte!!
16. What song will always remind you of 2008?
I will have to check on that one!
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? HAPPIER
b) thinner or fatter? Ugh, FATTER, but Baboo is totally worth it and I've lost 44 lbs so far, so I can't complain! :)
c) richer or poorer? Richer, definitely!!
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Hmm, I should've taken advantage of being pregnant, definitely, and ate more junk! lol
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Nothing, 2008 was a very busy year!
20. How did you spend Christmas?
At my home in the morning and dinner at Jill & Bill's!
22. Did you fall in love in 2008?
23. What concerts did you attend this year?
24. What was your favorite TV program?
There are lots, but I will have to single out The Mentalist.
25. Do you dislike anyone now that you didn't dislike this time last year?
26. What was the best book you read?
Twilight!!!! I'm only on page 90, but I am totally into it! Hey, can't read like I used to with a baby!
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
28. What did you want and get?
A baby GIRL!
29. What did you want and not get?
I've been very blessed!!
30. What was your favorite film of this year?
The Strangers, I'm still having nightmares!
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I had lunch with my baby daddy and In-Laws and then dinner with my other family at Maggiano's at Cumberland! So fun!!
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Nothing really! Life is Great!
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
Not so hip! lol
34. What kept you sane?
Pregnancy books, so I could check every symptom and know if it was "normal"! :)
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I don't really fancy celebrities...
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
The economy, the candidates, the fact that we are moving toward a socialist government.
37. Who did you miss?
My dad, everyday, but especially with Charlotte's arrival. He would be over the moon and have so much fun with her.
38. Who was the best new person you met?
I guess it would be everyone I work with, they are really great people and have been really good to me.
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
Time flies. Enjoy every moment!
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
"Be Careful What You Wish For Cuz You Just Might Get It" - Pussycat Dolls, LMAO!!!!!
Posted by The Zombson's at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Charley's First Thanksgiving
We had the entire Thompson clan over at Mama C's house for Thanksgiving this year. It was a lot of fun! Here are some photos of Charley enjoying her 1st Turkey Day!
This is Fussy Gussy on a typical day! lol We hope this stage ends soon! At least she is quiet all night, AFTER her evening crying spell!
BC with her cousins on the Thompson side, Joshua & Jaxon
Just too cute!
Posted by The Zombson's at 6:30 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
1 Month Old Today!
BC is 1 Month Old today! It really seems like there never was a time that she wasn't in our lives. She is quite sassy and is getting bigger everyday.
Here she is on her birthday:
Here she is today at 1 month:
Posted by The Zombson's at 8:35 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
No More Perinatal Appointments! Yay!!!
On Friday we went to our regular weekly Perinatal appointment to check Charley's progress. She is still doing well and STILL hiding her face in the ultrasounds. She is determined not to let us see her beautiful face until she is born! We got set up on the fetal monitor and FINALLY there is a pattern to my contractions. They are 5 minutes apart, steady but not hard enough to go and have the c-section early, YET. We met with the Doctor after the monitor and he decided not to make an appointment for next week AND told us he did not think that I would make it to the 20th and to be sure to send them our birth announcement. Since next week we were supposed to get her next estimated weight, I asked him what the percentage of his offices estimations were. She was 9 lbs 11 oz last week and if she is truly gaining a lb a week, she will be estimated at 11 lbs. 11 oz at the time of the c-section. He said they are usually off 10 oz. up or down. So, she very well could be 11 lbs 1 oz at birth! I still cannot believe it!! He told me to go home and walk to help things progress and get started and when the contractions get painful to call my OB. Well, Matt has been making me walk all over creation and up stairs and everything is still the same as Friday. I met my mom and Kimberly at Locust Grove yesterday to get Charley's new Halloween costume, one that will fit her, and we walked and walked and nothing. Kim noted that I have dropped since I last saw her. I hadn't even noticed, although that explains why suddenly my shirts do not cover the ample belly and I've caught myself out in public with an exposed belly. It is so embarrassing! lol You'd think I would notice a breeze! So, I'm still having every 5 minute contractions but not increasing in intensity. Of course, I'm not bothered by it, I'd like her to come after 2 pm Friday, then I won't have to go back to work until January 5th. At this point, what is 5 days in December? Either way, I'll live, but I want those 5 days with Gobbles! :)
8 days or less until Baby C arrives! We are so excited! <3 <3 <3
Posted by The Zombson's at 12:27 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Matt!
Happy Birthday Honeybuns! I Love You! :)~
Posted by The Zombson's at 8:36 AM 1 comments
Baby Day Scheduled & Ugly PIH!
At our last Perinatal Specialist appointment last Wednesday, Charley's weight was estimated at 9 lbs, 11 oz. Holy Mackeral! At my OB appointment on Thursday, the midwife, Patti said she felt more like 8 lbs, 11 oz. That would make her estimated weight at birth, 11 lbs. She did an exam to see if things were progressing, of course they weren't and she said she couldn't feel the baby's head, meaning she is not engaged in my pelvis. She said normally at 35-36 weeks if the head cannot be felt it usually means the baby "probably won't fit". I am so lucky, I tell you with sarcasm! Anyway, we made the decision to go with a Primary C-Section due to her estimated size and the risks of injury to myself or Charley. I had a message today that it has been put on the books for October 20th!
OH NO! My Mother-In-Law is also having surgery on the same day at the same hospital. I tried to get mine changed, but it just cannot be done. I just found out that we both have to be there at the same time! How crazy is that? Please keep us both in your prayers!
I had my 37 week prenatal appointment yesterday and once again, I am swollen from head to toe and my blood pressure was high. Why can I not cooperate with just over a week left? I also had protein in my urine, AGAIN, and as a result, I am having to another lovely 24 hour catch and they took blood so they can check to make sure I am not sick and developing pre-eclampsia. So, I had to take today off which in turn will make my last day of work before leave next Friday instead of Thursday...that is, if they don't decide to take Baby Charlotte earlier than the 20th due to the PIH!
I am so excited, I cannot wait to meet our lovely little ladybug. I was hoping to have a relatively easy last 2 weeks. I am thankful they are not going to make me go to 39 weeks as originally planned. I have my 2nd to the last appointment with the Perinatologist today. They want to "discuss our options" with a large baby, after the ultrasound. There is nothing to discuss! lol The c-section has been scheduled! :)
Posted by The Zombson's at 8:27 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Baby Shower!
Wow, all I can say is my sisters and one of my BFF's Carrie, planned and executed one amazing party to welcome Baby Charlotte! It was more than we ever imagined and we are STILL operating on a high from the evening! Almost all of our closest friends and family came out to celebrate and it really is criminal how spoiled this little girl is before she even gets here! Thank you Kimberly, Holly, Jill & Carrie for one very special and memorable evening that we will remember forever! We love you guys and we are truly speechless and overwhelmed by the thought and effort each of you put into making Baby C's party so special!
Posted by The Zombson's at 7:54 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
That is me, in a word! I had my follow-up to the follow-up growth ultrasound on Tuesday. As indicated in the post below, Baby Charlotte is a chunk! 5 lbs, 6 oz!! The actual weight could be off a lb up or down, either way, she’s huge. The textbook weight at 31 weeks is 3 ½ lbs. So, I’m definitely having an enormous baby!
Last week at my 31 week appointment, it was noticed that my feet were swollen (a lot more than usual, and so were my hands, arms and face), so they checked the protein in my urine and it came back positive for protein. SO, I had the lovely project of a 24 hour catch on Monday to take to the Doctor so they could test it and decide if I had pre-eclampsia. I got lucky after the ultrasound that the midwife was in the lab while I was getting my blood drawn, so we were able to have a conversation. She asked me how often I was seeing the specialist and I told her I wasn’t, I only had to go the one time. She told me I do not have pre-eclampsia, but that I do have gestational hypertension. She wants me to start seeing the specialist weekly so they can monitor me and check BC’s growth. I told her, well, she’s huge! She asked if the ultrasound tech got a weight on her and I told her yes and gave it to her and her jaw hit the ground. She said that it was good though, because with hypertension, the concern is that the baby isn’t big enough. We certainly don’t have that problem! She said she would probably be 10 lbs or more at term! I KNOW! I’M SCARED!!! Lol She said they will either induce early or do a primary c-section, they wouldn’t be that mean! Comforting. I know I have to do one or the other, why can’t the stork myth be true?? Hopefully after our Birth Class on Monday and Tuesday, my anxiety about giving birth will be minimal. You just don’t think about that part of it!
Unfortunately, because BC is so big, she will probably not fit in any of her newborn clothes! I'm so sad!! I have two outfits for her first picture, I think one will work because it ties in the back, so even if she is as large as they say, we can fake it! I also have the cutest going home outfit...the bonnet definitely won't fit her noggin! Grandmama bought her a newborn ladybug Halloween is so cute, I will stuff her in there like a sausage if I have to!
Due to the hypertension, I will start a reduced work schedule on September 15th. 6 hours a day, this will be nice. It is getting harder and harder to lug myself around.
My first Specialist appointment is Thursday, 9/11 and then my regular prenatal immediately follows. My hope is that I will know a direction they are going with the revelation of how big BC is.
The nursery is finished! We have a few more things to purchase, but it is finally done! Dad put in a lot of hard work! The room is perfect!! He did an incredible job.
Posted by The Zombson's at 8:53 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Lookout Kindergarten, Here Comes "The Weasel"!
At Chuck E. Cheese on her 2nd Birthday and Visit to Grandmama's
Princess Riley
First Day of Kindergarten!!!
Posted by The Zombson's at 8:19 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
29 Weeks & Braxton Hicks!
Yesterday was my 29 week appointment. I was eagerly anticipating it because I would find out if my due date would be changed or if I would get another ultrasound. At every visit we listen to her heartbeat with a Doppler. This visit, you could hear the heartbeat, but you could also hear her moving around. My midwife (Patti) said, “She sure is active!” I responded, “She sure is, I’m convinced she is going to be an Olympic Gymnast, she keeps me up at night!” We concluded that she didn’t like the Doppler because she KICKED it!!! We had a good chuckle over that.
We measured my belly, I don’t know what it was, but Patti said something about it being bigger, and I said, “oh yeah it is large!” My bubble burst from a few days ago! J
Two very exciting items, one, I start going to my prenatal appointments every 2 weeks now! Home stretch! It’s very exciting and scary at the same time! I am having some anxiety about the labor & delivery; but we are taking a birthing class in September, so that will help to relieve some of it, I hope! Two, we get to see the Ladybug again!!! YAY! The doctor scheduled another growth ultrasound for September 2nd. Because she was measuring big at 27 weeks, they want to check on her again. Patti thinks I’m just going to have a big baby! I hope they are wrong. I have several friends who were told they were going to have 9-10 lbders and they were less than 8 lbs! That gives me hope!
So, Wednesday morning, I had terrible stomach pains that made me nauseous. It is hard to explain the pains, but they were off and on all over my belly. They only lasted 5 minutes, but they hurt like the devil! Being a first time pregnant lady, I asked about them yesterday, knowing full well it was probably normal, but I had to ask! Patti said they sounded like Braxton Hicks contractions. I thought they weren’t supposed to hurt!!! Well, indeed they can and do!!! She said I should be getting more and more of them now that I am in the 3rd Trimester and then told me to pay attention when I have them, that 7-8 an hour is not normal, and told me what to do should that happen. Well, I haven’t had anymore until today. I had lunch with Carrie and Joanna and they started after lunch. They hurt like the dickens! I’m not complaining though, I am blessed and thankful and I wouldn’t want it any other way!
Posted by The Zombson's at 1:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
"Was she a large girl? Round through the hips? Roomy?" Hannibal Lector
Aside from feeling like a possible target of Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs, I have had two compliments this week that would make any very pregnant lady smile.
The 1st was from a fellow pregger in the elevator going to the parking deck of my office building. She turned to me and exclaimed that she hated being pregnant. I responded that I didn’t hate it, but that I had grown increasingly uncomfortable the last few weeks. I asked her when she was due and she said, not until December, this was her second child and she just popped early. I laughed and said, well, this is my first and I popped at 10 weeks! I only have 11 weeks to go though! (I LOVE saying that!!! So hard to believe!) Anyway, she said, “11 weeks? You look fantastic!!” I wanted to kiss her!! She made my day!
The 2nd was today. I went for my physical and the medical assistant asked me how far along I was as I was stepping on the scale, and I told her 7 ½ months, and she said, “YOU ARE SO TINY!” I thanked her and told her I really appreciated that, but that the scale is not going to concur! That was certainly music to my ears, I am NOT tiny. The exact opposite, actually, but I don’t mind. It’s not something I can help!
Posted by The Zombson's at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Oh Sweet Ladybugs! Updated Nursery Pictures!
Below is the link to the most recent pictures of the nursery. It still needs work and I am looking for something to put on the wall over the crib. We do have a fabulous new rug that is not shown that Grandmama bought. It looks much better than the pink one pictured! It's very exciting! Well, you will have to copy and paste the link, I cannot figure out how to make it a url! :(
I had to add this picture of Dad, he is just too much! LOL
Only 11 1/2 more weeks!
Posted by The Zombson's at 3:56 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Baby Charlotte!
We had been eagerly anticipating yesterday morning, so we could get a glimpse of our baby girl one last time before she is welcomed into the world. She is so cute, she looks just like me, haha, just kidding, you cannot really tell on an ultrasound, but she definitely has her daddy’s nose! The ultrasound tech said she looks really good and didn’t see anything alarming. They measured all of her parts, looked at her organs and measured the amniotic fluid. I will probably get those results at my regular prenatal appointment on August 14th.
The ultrasound tech asked me, “You don’t have diabetes do you?” I told her no, but that they were doing my sugar test today for gestational diabetes…I was silently freaking because her question could mean one of two things, I am about to embark on a bland diet with needle sticks for the next 13 weeks OR I am going to give birth to an enormous baby. BC is measuring 28 w 5 days (as of yesterday) and is 2 lbs 3 oz. The specialist in June had her measuring ahead only 3 days from the original due date, but nearly 2 weeks is a big deal!! They have not changed my due date yet, but the tech said I am probably just going to have a big baby. God help me! If they do change the due date, there is a great possibility she will be born at the end of September! I am not prepared; I need my 11-13 weeks! So, we shall see what happens.
To give a breakdown of the differences in ultrasounds:
Original due date: October 31st: Makes me 26 w, 4d
Specialist measuring 3 days ahead, June 5th: EDD October 28th: Makes me 27 w, 2d
Yesterday’s US: EDD October 16th: Makes me 28w, 6d
I think I’ll stick with the middle for now, which means I start the 3rd Trimester on MONDAY!! WHOOP! WHOOP!
Here is the last ultrasound of Sweet Baby C!
Posted by The Zombson's at 10:54 AM 2 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
I'm STILL Lucky!
I know, I know, as nauseating as this post is going to be, I have to publicly recognize my very dear husband.
I have thanked my lucky stars since the day that I met him that we found each other. He is the most sincere, loving, giving, considerate, patient, kind…I could go on and on, person I have ever met.
He has truly done EVERYTHING for me since we learned that we are expecting. He irons my clothes every morning, he packs my lunch and snacks, he cleans the house, he cooks dinner, he takes care of the animals, he brings me ice cream, he buys me cards, he makes me feel good and laugh at myself, especially since I don’t look or feel like myself these days. This list isn’t even the tip of the iceberg!
In the last week, my “amazingly easy” and mellow pregnancy has caught up with me and I have grown increasingly uncomfortable and irritable. As a result, I know I am not peach pie to be around sometimes and he hasn’t complained, he just continues to do his best to make life easier for me.
I am lucky and I know it and I just want everyone to know how much I love and appreciate Matt! He is one-of-a-kind, my best friend and soul mate…<3
Posted by The Zombson's at 3:58 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I'm a Human Weeble Wobble & Other Updates!
While I was gone, Matt took the opportunity to get the nursery painted. He had this vision for the walls and we picked the paint colors before I left. He ran with his idea and when I got home, I could not, (actually, I could) believe how incredible the room looked!! He did such a spectacular job. Baby Charlotte is just going to enjoy her room, it is a work in progress, but it will be fit for a princess when it is done!
No, the wall on the left is not a different color, it is just the glare of the lights. :)
Over July 4th weekend we made the trek to Charlotte, NC to visit our very good friend Heather. We got to meet her bohunk for the first time and we really had a great time. We really like him and are so glad to see her so happy! I was a trooper and was able to hang pretty late for me these days! Our furbaby, Jake stayed with Grandmama and didn't want to come home!! Mom informed us that he really took to her friend Glenda and never left her side. He is such a human!
During our visit, Baby C started kicking even harder, so you can actually see the movement of my belly now, it was a great moment for me and even better, Matt finally felt her kick for the first time!! It has increased our excitement so much more and cannot wait to meet her!
Last night, the glider chair finally arrived and we also finally finished the craft project for Baby C's room. I should be getting the window panels I ordered by Friday and the bedding is still in limbo...I should've just bought it locally, but I found it online for $60 cheaper and free shipping!! So nearly a month later, I'm still waiting on it to arrive. I guess that is the price to pay for a bargain!
The belly, 24 weeks, 1 day
Posted by The Zombson's at 7:31 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Ultrasound of Charley, 19w 3 days
Posted by The Zombson's at 3:04 PM 0 comments
It's A GIRL!!!!! Charley Thompson
As our family and most of our friends know, right before my family vacation I had a Triple Screen blood test done that measures levels of certain hormones in my blood which could be indicators of a baby with down's syndrome, spina bifida and I believe the other is cystic fibrosis. When I got home, I had a message from my OB to call them to discuss the results. When I called, my test had come back with an "increased risk" for a baby with down's. We were told before the test that even if it comes back positive, it doesn't mean anything, the test is not a diagnosis and just means that further evaluation is needed, and there is a huge rate of false positives. We were referred to a Perinatal Specialist and had our appointment last Thursday, June 5th. We had an in depth ultrasound where we found out that it is a girl and they were looking at her and measuring her and looking for any signs of down's. There were no soft markers for down's syndrome and she looked normal. We opted against the amniocentesis, and feel 99% sure that Charley is a healthy baby girl! On Thursday, they also said she we were about 19 weeks and 3 days, so today, that would make me 20 weeks and 2 days, so very close to the Estimated Due Date! We are so excited and bought furniture for her room this past weekend and are looking forward to shopping and getting everything ready for her arrival.
Posted by The Zombson's at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
18 Weeks and Counting!
May was a very busy month for us. Last update, we had just celebrated our anniversary. The following weekend was Mother's Day and Lily's Baptism AND I cut my hair SHORT! I cannot believe I did it, but my hair is growing so fast right now, I figured the time to do it was now, since it will be shoulder length again by the end of the Summer. I'd been itching to do it ever since Matt found an old photo of me with short hair and decided he liked it and was curious what I looked like with short hair. Matt and I were honored to be Lily's godparents. We went to church and then to The Blue Willow Inn to celebrate Mother's Day. We had a big crowd with most of the Beck's, and we had Matt's parents and sister and her family and Jeff's mother. It was a great day and the weather was beautiful!
The following weekend was the start of the Beck Family's Annual Beach Vacation. This year we went to Folly Beach/Charleston S.C. The weather was perfect and it was a nice relaxing week. The house we rented was really nice. Matt & I took Riley on a walk down the beach to see the lighthouse. When we were almost to where you could look out across the ocean at it, we saw a huge bird swoop into a tide pool and grab a big fish. This delighted Riley, so we went to the edge of the pool to get a closer look. I saw something that startled me and I screamed and I yelled, "It's a hammerhead!" Matt didn't believe me and so we walked around the edge of the pool and sure enough there was a baby hammerhead stuck in the tide pool. Riley thought this was the coolest thing. Some guys came over to see what all the ruckus was about and they ended up getting in there and catching the shark and then releasing it into the ocean.
We are already looking forward to next year's trip when we will have our new addition with us. S/he will be Lily's age now and Lily was so much fun.
We have our gender ultrasound this Thursday at 2:30pm. We are sooooo excited!! We have only bought one thing for the baby's room and that was months ago at the Cherry Blossom Festival. We are eager to start shopping and buy furniture and all the fun stuff!! We have an online pool going. We are going to have a prize once the baby is born for the winning entry!! So be sure you get in on the pool. Those who choose the wrong gender will be eliminated early, but we will allow you to change length, height, dob and time up until a future cutoff date TBD! Even though I've been thinking girl vibes for awhile and have been dreaming about a girl, I went with my initial intuition, which was a boy as my guess. Matt has chosen a girl, he really wants his little princess! Overall, we just want a healthy baby, but this just makes the anticipation more fun.
We will be back later this week with 3D picks of our baby and let you know the gender!
Owen, Riley & Pickle! I just love these kids to death!
Me & Lily
Posted by The Zombson's at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Cinco de Mayo! Our One Year Anniversary!
Matt & I before leaving for Nava
Our actual anniversary was yesterday. We celebrated by going to El Charro, only the best Mexican food in the world, and we went home to have a piece of our thawed year old wedding cake. I got to thinking, why do we save the top of our cake? I looked it up and there really is no good reason, it has just become a tradition. We like traditions, so we had some and it was REALLY GOOD!! We were pleasantly surprised how well it kept! The fact that I was reminded how good the cake was, helped me finally, one year later, get over the fact that my cake maker only captured ½ of my vision and presented me with a cake that looked like a 3-tiered birthday cake that my nephew scrawled our monogram on himself. Lol! We talked about the last year, and how wonderful it has been. Who says the 1st year of marriage is the hardest?? If that was hard, then we’ve got it made!!
The HORROR! It's funny now!
Posted by The Zombson's at 2:06 PM 2 comments